Sunday, July 27, 2008

Australian Conference on Lutheran Education

This year's Australian Conference on Lutheran Education is Weaving threads together creating a tapestry of Lutheran schooling.

At the MCG Melbourne Victoria
October 1-3 2008

The threads that are covered are:
  • spiritual,
  • social,
  • communication,
  • learning and teaching,
  • global
The keynote speakers are:
Dr Felicity McCutcheon: will identify and explore the tension between educational truths and trends with a view to articulating how Lutheran schools might maintain their hold on truth whilst engaging in a dynamic and life affirming relationship with a changing world by enriching teaching and learning.
Mr Gregory Whitby: will explore the communication thread making the case for reframing schooling in the 21st century to meet students’ learning needs.
Rev Dr Mitri Raheb: will challenge you to not only think, but also to act, as he explores the global thread. He will challenge you to face such questions as: What does it mean to live in a global village? How does our Lutheran heritage shape how we live globally? What should our attitude as Christians be to other world religions? What are the global responsibilities of the Christian school?
Mr Ben Glenn: will entertain dinner guests as he develops a conference piece of art as part of his presentation.
Father Frank Brennan: will challenge us to look at the knots in our tapestry which are the binding activities of common purpose and shared ideas, and which provide collective empowerment and inspiration. How should those working in church schools in Australia today respond to these new possibilities?
Clay Roberts: will show how an understanding of the Developmental Assets® is a powerful framework for making a difference in increasing academic achievement and reducing high risk behaviours.

There are 65 electives covering the 5 threads. Some of the electives include:
Contemporary spirituality for Lutheran schools Neville Grieger
International mindedness and the Lutheran school Lisa Kraft
Weaving restorative practices into Lutheran school communities Steve Brady, Jonathan Kotzur
Responsible stewardship of God’s earth Jeff Silcock
Teacher as leader Jonathan Laabs
The Rite Journey: helping develop healthy young people Graham Gallasch
Bounce back for grown-ups: developing personal and professional resilience Bev Saegenschnitter
What tapestry will we weave in the future? Will senior Christian Studies survive? Dominique Jaaniste
The truth about life, love and sex – helping young people make healthy choices Dale Stagg
Being a Lutheran university in an Islamic context – challenges and opportunities Jongkers Tamubolon
Cherishing Baptism: relevant mission strategies which anticipate God’s choice to work in and through the waters of baptism Paul Smith
Best practice governance for Lutheran schools Michael Dean
What makes a Lutheran school Lutheran and is that an important question anyway? Mal Wegener
Teaching Jesus in a world of many religions Dean Zweck
The Holy Land, a fifth Gospel: teaching Scripture through living stones Mitri Raheb
Religious clichés begone: re-imaging the faith Flossie Peitsch
Establishing partnership arrangements with Lutheran schools in Papua New Guinea Rob Fysh and Genevieve Clark
Boasting in God’s graciousness: marketing strategies for Lutheran schools – developing learning journey options for young families Sue Ellis
Sex, drugs and God Andrew Dewhirst
Anthropology and childhood spirituality: what do children say about their Lutheran-educated ‘self’? Cathy Nitschke

For more details visit

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