Friday, July 04, 2008

Coming up with a solution....

Most of us can see things that get in the road or interfere with ourselves and others hearing, seeing and experiencing the gospel...(if you doubt this think about what does love my neighbour mean and reflect on the explanations to the Ten Commandments that we find in the Small Catechism). We can either sit there and lament these things....or we can explore ways of doing something about them.

Now we were faced with an issue in our parish....a number of our children were interested in AFL football....but Auskick was only offered on Sunday....and it was highly unlikely they would change with 450 kids participating in Auskick on a Sunday... So we approached AFL Tasmania to see if any alternative could occur.

Now read about what happened as recorded in the local newspaper the Advocate.

God bless being able to play football on a Tuesday
24/06/2008 9:42:00 AM
FOOTY versus God.
It's a tough choice to make on a Sunday, but thanks to Devonport Pastor Richard Schwedes, the decision is no longer necessary.
As Pastor of the North Tasmanian Lutheran Parish and a Sydney Swans-supporting footy tragic, Mr Schwedes wants to ensure kids "can have a spiritual journey but still enjoy their footy too".
"There are a lot of kids in our church who are into footy but with Auskick only running on Sunday mornings, they aren't able to play," he said.
Keen to help the kids get some fresh air, Mr Schwedes got together with the AFL and the two parties are combining to offer Auskick to primary school boys and girls on Tuesday afternoons.
Not that you have to be a member of the flock to join in.
"It certainly isn't just for churchgoers," Mr Schwedes said.
"There are many families who aren't church regulars who still regard Sunday as a family day and this will give them another option."
AFL Tasmania North West regional manager Barry Gaby said the variation from traditional Sunday morning Auskick was an example of the AFL and the church working together to benefit kids and keep them active.
"AFL Tasmania want to make the sport available to as many kids as possible," Mr Gaby said.
"We try to bend the rules and be flexible."
Anyone interested in Tuesday afternoon Auskick can contact Pastor Richard Schwedes on 64278013.

Since this article 36 children have enrolled and another article appeared in the paper...Many of the children are from family's who have experienced the Sunday church and footy battle, parents feel more supported by the church and there are even some people who don't go to church who have joined and we get to touch base with.

Now football may not be an issue in your area (Auskick maybe offered at another time)...but what things are drawing people away from the gospel and what can you offer to help them....think outside the square...

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