Friday, July 04, 2008

Book: Christian Education as evangelism Norma Everist (editor)

This book is a series of articles orientated around the fact that if congregations (and Lutheran schools) are serious about evangelism they also need to be serious about education, and if they are serious about education then they will be serious about sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. In otherwords Christian Education leads to evangelism and evangelism leads to Christian education.

Each chapter includes: the article, stories, questions for reflection and practical congregational strategies....

Articles found in this book...

  • Education and evangelism. Is the connection essential?
  • What are the theological foundations of education and evangelism?
  • How do we make the Gospel come alive through education and evangelism?
  • How do we move from apathy to transformation?
  • Congregations that take both education and evangelism seriously.
  • Christian education as evangelism in a multicultural setting.
  • Reaching out through Lutheran Schools.
  • Abiding in the Word for the sake of the world.
  • Go and make learners. Supporting transformation in education and evangelism.
  • Go and listen. Reaching out to those who seek, especially Young Adults.
  • Learn to share Christ in the languages of people's daily lives.
  • Redidcate ourselves to our calling in education: a social statement.

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