Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Book: The Lutheran Pastor (Free download)

The Lutheran Pastor was originally published in 1902 authored by George Henry Gerberding.

The Pastors Office
The Pastors Call - The Inner or Pre
The External or Official Call
Ordination And the Call from One Field
In His Personal Character and in Society
In His Study
In His Closet
Taking the Oversight  - As Head of
Catechising and Confirming
Conducting the Service Preparatory
Administering the Holy Communion
Performing the Marriage Ceremony
Ministering to the Bereaved Burying
SignificancePrinciples and Import
The Pastor Visiting
Visiting Special Classes
Guarding the Good Name and the Altar
In the Pulpit-Preaching the Word
At the AltarLeading the Worship
Visiting the Sick

Free download of the book is available at  https://archive.org/details/lutheranpastor00gerb

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