Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Book: Gospel Speech

We all have a different relationship with speech. Some of us love it, some of us... not so much. For some it depends a lot on the context: speaking on the phone with a friend is perfectly enjoyable; speaking publicly in front of an audience is our worst nightmare. Some of us speak at a million miles an hour, while some of us have a slow and measured pace, choosing every word carefully. In many ways, speech really is a reflection of who we are as individuals.

But if our speech really is a reflection of who we are, and if being a Christian is a fundamental and even primary way we describe ourselves, should we expect gospel speech to be on our lips?

In this refreshingly different look at what the Bible has to say about evangelism and our speech patterns as Christians, Lionel Windsor shows the connection between faith and speech, and encourages us to confess the Lord Jesus with our lips.

Lionel Windsor is a lecturer at Moore Theological College in Sydney.   

Are all Christians commanded to evangelize?
Shut your mouth
God puts the words right in your mouth
Saved by the mouth
Do you feel the need for speech?
Speech is in your DNA
insiders and outsiders
Learning how to talk

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