Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Lutheran alliance for faith, science and technology

The Lutheran Alliance for Faith, Science, and Technology is dedicated to expanding awareness and promoting conversation about the implications of science and technology for Christian faith and life. (Prior to becoming the Alliance for Faith, Science and Technology in 2002, the effort was known as the Working Group for Faith, Science and Technology.)

In 1987, 45 young scientists, technologists, and theologians from 5 continents and 17 countries gathered in Larnaca, Cyprus in for a consultation entitled, “The New Scientific/Technological World: What Differences Does It Make for the Church?” The meeting, sponsored by the Lutheran Church in America (LCA) in cooperation from the Lutheran World Federation, was organized by the Rev. John Mangum, director for planning, LCA Division for World Mission and Ecumenism.  This meeting was the genesis of the Lutheran Alliance for Faith, Science, and Technology, as well as similar groups in other denominations.

Since 1991, the Alliance has been an independent Lutheran organization recognized by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) with liaison through the Theological Discernment Team in the Office of the Presiding Bishop.  The membership includes scientists, science teachers, rostered leaders (clergy and lay), and other interested lay people.

The site includes:
Covalence Magazine
Faith and Science Resources

Faith and Science Youth Curriculums

To discover more visit 

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