Thursday, February 08, 2018

2018 Lenten Resources

In 2018 Lent begins on Ash Wednesday on 14 February 2018(St Valentines Day) and East Sunday falls on 1 April 2018 (April Fools Day) this occurence gives rise to a number of creative suggestions for Lent and Easter themes, including Foolish Love, Loving Foolishly, Out of the ashes comes love for fools.....

Following are some resources that may assist you and the people you serve in their Lenten and Easter journey

Worship Resources
Lutheran Church of Australia - Midweek Lent worship 
LCMS Lenten Worship resources
Lutheran World Relief 2018 Lent seasons of hope homilies
For the love of the world worship and study ideas 

Lent devotions and studies
Lenten Study 2018 - We are Lutheran (ELCA Nebraskan synod)
Luther Seminary Lenten Study 2018 - through the night of doubt and sorrow
Lutheran Hour Ministries - 2018 Lenten devotion 
North American Lutheran Church 2018 Lenten Devotions

Publishers Lent Resources
Concordia Publishing House Lent and Easter Resources
Augsburg Fortress Lent Resources
Solapublishing Lenten Resources

Individual resources
2018 devotional - Lovers and Fools
Online Lenten devotion - When love looks like ashes
Dethroning Mammon: Making Money Serve Grace: The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent Book
A place for God Lenten Devotional
The Glory of the Cross Lent Devotional
The crucified is my love
In the shaddow of the cross
Journey to calvery
The art of Lent
Word made art 

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