Monday, September 04, 2017

Wittenberg confessions: Testimonies of converts to confessional Lutheranism

The institutional church is drifting further and further from the historic liturgy and the proclamation of the pure Gospel. It is devolving into a pop culture version of the faith and emphasizes "feel good" worship over the historic liturgy and tolerance over the the truth of the pure Gospel. But all is not lost. Internet blogs like the Brothers of John the Steadfast and radio programs like Issues, Etc. and Pirate Christian Radio are being used by God to raise up a new generation of committed believers.

Wittenberg Confessions presents the testimony of eight of these new converts to Confessional Lutheranism. Reading these testimonials of what God has done in these lives will give you hope that Christ continues to build His Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, despite man's foibles and propensity to create programs which lack neither hope nor give growth to Christ's Holy Body on Earth.

The editor, Jim Pierce, is a layman from Seattle, Washington. He wrote the introduction and conclusion for Wittenberg Confessions and also organized the other essayists and edited their work. He leads off the collection of essays with his own odyssey of faith. He voyaged away from Pentecostalism into atheism and is now at peace as a Confessional Lutheran attending Messiah Lutheran Church in a north Seattle neighborhood.

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