Monday, August 21, 2017

Same Sex Marriage resources for 2017 Australian plebiciste

The Australian government is holding a non-binding non-compulosry plebiciste in the form of a survey undertaken through the Australian Bureau of Statistics so that parliament can be informed about the communities view in relation to Same Sex Marriage.  
Australians over 18 before the 24 August 2017 who are registered in the Electoral Roll will be invited to take part in this survey.  
The survey will be mailed to people from the week beginning 12 September and need to be completed and posted by 6pm on 27 October.
The results of the survey will be made available by 15 November 2017.  
For comprehensive information relating to the survey visit the ABS website.

As Christians we are encouraged to respond to this survey in ways that are consistent with God's Word.   To do so this it means we are not just to rely on our gut reactions, what others feel or how others may respond to us, but we are encouraged to study, reflect on and gain an understanding from God's Word in relation to both the outcome and how we conduct ourselves during this period of discussion and debate. 

Some resources that may help you
Lutheran Church of Australia resources
August 2017 Bishop's statement
Homosexuality - what the LCA says - an article in the Lutheran magazine November 2016
Summary of LCA's Commission on Theology and Inter Church Relations paper: Human Sexuality 3 key issues
Background paper of LCA's Commission on Theology and Inter Church Relations paper: Human Sexuality 3 key issues
A Discussion paper -  Lutheran schools and Homophobia
LCA's Bible Study on Sexuality

Other resources from outside the LCA 
Coalition for Marriage - is led by the Australian Christian Lobby, Marriage Alliance, the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney and the Anglican Diocese of Sydney. 
Seven Christian response to Same Sex marriage article by John Dickson Centre for Public Christianity
Lutheran Church Missouri synod -  Bible Study:  Why Marriage matters!
Reconciling Works - Lutherans for full participation- Bible Study Your people shall be my people 

As we engage with this issue, please consider not just the outcome, but also also how you relate to others in relation to this issue, both those you agree with and those you disagree with.  Ephesians 5:1-2 reminds us to: Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children  and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.   

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