Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Book: What's so great about Christianity?

In a world of facts and figures, can an intellectual have faith? 
Is it possible to believe anything the Bible says? 
Yes, and one man will show you how.
Amidst scientists’ attempts to debunk Christianity’s truths and atheists’ assuming the Bible is a how-to-be-virtuous self-help book, bestselling author Dinesh D’Souza resolves to both answer the tough questions and challenge believers as well as doubters to search for the ultimate truths about theories of origin. D’Souza tackles subjects and events such as the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition, the Big Bang theory and Darwinism—everything you always pondered but never scrutinized, now placed under the proverbial microscope and studied thoroughly.

Part I: The Future of Christianity
Chapter One The Twilight of Atheism: The Global Triumph of Christianity . . . . . 3
Chapter Two Survival of the Sacred: Why Religion Is Winning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Chapter Three God Is Not Great: The Atheist Assault on Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Chapter Four Miseducating the Young: Saving Children from Their Parents . . . 17
Part II: Christianity and the West
Chapter Five Render unto Caesar: The Spiritual Basis of Limited Government . . . . . . . 25
Chapter Six The Evil That I Would Not: Christianity and Human Fallibility . . . 31
Chapter Seven Created Equal: The Origin of Human Dignity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Part III: Christianity and Science
Chapter Eight Christianity and Reason: The Theological Roots of Science . . .. . 41
Chapter Nine From Logos to Cosmos: Christianity and the Invention of Invention . . 45
Chapter Ten An Atheist Fable: Reopening the Galileo Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Part IV: The Argument from Design
Chapter Eleven A Universe with a Beginning: God and the Astronomers . . . . . . . 57
Chapter Twelve A Designer Planet: Man’s Special Place in Creation . . . . . . . . . . 61
Chapter Thirteen Paley Was Right: Evolution and the Argument from Design. . . . . 67
Chapter Fourteen The Genesis Problem: The Methodological Atheism of Science . . . 73
Part V: Christianity and Philosophy
Chapter Fifteen The World Beyond Our Senses: Kant and the Limits of Reason. . . 79
Chapter Sixteen In the Belly of the Whale: Why Miracles Are Possible . . . . . . . . . . 83
Chapter Seventeen A Skeptic’s Wager: Pascal and the Reasonableness of Faith . . . . 87
Part VI: Christianity and Suffering
Chapter Eighteen Rethinking the Inquisition: The Exaggerated Crimes of Religion . . 93
Chapter Nineteen A License to Kill: Atheism and the Mass Murders of History . . . . 95
Part VII: Christianity and Morality
Chapter Twenty Natural Law and Divine Law: The Objective Foundations of Morality .  101
Chapter Twenty-One The Ghost in the Machine: Why Man Is More Than Matter . . . . . 105
Chapter Twenty-Two The Imperial “I”: When the Self Becomes the Arbiter of Morality .109
Chapter Twenty-Three Opiate of the Morally Corrupt: Why Unbelief Is So Appealing . 113
Chapter Twenty-Four The Problem of Evil: Where Is Atheism When Bad Things Happen? 119
Part VIII: Christianity and You
Chapter Twenty-Five Jesus among Other Gods: The Uniqueness of Christianity . . . . . 125
Chapter Twenty-Six A Foretaste of Eternity: How Christianity Can Change Your Life . . .129

To buy the book visit here

For a free study guide to accompany the book visit here

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