Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Online Course: Church Online Communications Comprehensive

Bulletins, newsletters, emails, websites, Facebook page - does your church communications leave you feeling overwhelmed and under accomplished?

Join Peter Frank, Senior Marketing Manager of Concordia Technology Solutions, as he leads you through this new 14-week training course titled Church Online Communications Comprehensive. 

Every week, Peter will share on an aspect of online communications with practical advice on how to implement a cohesive strategy for your church.

Topics will include: 

  • Church and Communication Goals
  • Determining and Assigning Personas
  • Content Mapping
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Social Media and Social Advertising
  • Campaign Planning and Templates

Sign up today for FREE and you'll receive the following:

  • Detailed blog posts on the weekly topic
  • Live videos on the CTS Facebook page
  • Access to the private Facebook group
  • Weekly downloads, including worksheets, templates, and checklists

Use this course to establish an online communications strategy for your church.

sign up here today

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