Friday, March 10, 2017

The Shack (book and movie) resources

The Shack is a best selling fictional book, which has been released as a  movie.  Originally written by William Paul Young as a story to help his family gain a picture of God.

The book has created controversy as it steps outside the traditional images of God and within the book makes some statements that are perceived to be contray to what the bible says about God.  As a result some Christians believe it is best to steer well clear of the book, whilst others are engaging with the book thanking God for the creativity of the book that they believe helps them in their relationship with God.

The following resources have been sourced and compiled to help anyone wishing to research and undertake further reflection and study relating to the Shack.

The story behind the Shack - interview with William Paul Young
Stuart Hazeldine - Movie Review
Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry - review
Theology Network - review
Christianity Today Pastors - review
Exploring the Shack - Paul Coulter
The Good, the Bad and the Controversial 
How the Shack distorts our view of God
More to the Shack than Shaky theology
Higher things review
A response to Christians boycotting the Shack

The offical DVD bible study

Holy Cross Lutheran Church Kansas Book Study
13 heresies in the shack 

The Shack book

The offical Shack study guide - Healing for Your Journey Through Loss, Trauma, and Pain

The Shack Revisited: There Is More Going On Here than You Ever Dared to Dream 
Millions have found their spiritual hunger satisfied by William P. Young's #1 New York Times bestseller, The Shack--the story of a man lifted from the depths of despair through his life-altering encounter with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Now C. Baxter Kruger's THE SHACK REVISITED guides readers into a deeper understanding of these three persons to help readers have a more profound connection with the core message of The Shack--that God is love.
An early fan of The Shack and a close friend to its author, Kruger shows why the novel has been enthusiastically embraced by so many Christians worldwide. In the words of William P. Young from the foreword to THE SHACK REVISITED, "Baxter Kruger will stun readers with his unique cross of intellectual brilliance and creative genius as he takes them deeper into the wonder, worship, and possibility that is the world of The Shack."

Finding God in the Shack
What would it be like to lose your youngest child to a serial killer? And then to have God invite you out for a conversation at the very shack where the terrible deed took place? And then imagine that the door to that shack of horrors opened . . . and before you knew it you had been swept up in the motherly embrace of a large African American woman? This most unlikely of stories, as told in William Young's The Shack, has become a runaway bestseller, and now a major motion picture, and it is easy to see why. But even as lives have been transformed through this book, other readers have sternly denounced it as a hodgepodge of serious theological error, even heresy. With one pastor urging his congregation to read it and another forbidding his congregation to, many Christians have simply been left confused. Aware both of the excitement and uncertainty generated by The Shack, theologian Randal Rauser takes the reader on a fascinating journey through the pages of the story. In successive chapters he explores many of the book's complex and controversial issues. Thus he explains why God the Father is revealed as an African American woman, he defends the book's theology of the Trinity against charges of heresy and he considers its provocative denial of a Trinitarian hierarchy. But at its heart The Shack is a response to evil and so Rauser spends the final three chapters considering the book's explanation for why God allows evil, how the atoning work of Christ offers new hope for a suffering world and ultimately how this hope extends to all of creation. Through these chapters Rauser offers an honest and illuminating discussion which opens up a new depth to the conversation while providing the reader with new opportunities for Finding God in The Shack.

God, the Bible and the Shack
Millions of readers of William Paul Young's The Shack want to know, Is God really that good? Is this the same God we find in the Bible or not? Is the Trinity really like what we find in the novel? And what about evil in the world? How much does The Shack help us understand why it exists and how God deals with it? Here are clear, insightful responses to the questions so many people want answers to.

The Shack - a journey from pain to truth to error
This book offers a new kind of critique of The Shack: Where Tragedy Confronts Eternity. It views The Shack from a confessional Lutheran perspective. Its primary concern is the chief article upon which the church stands or falls, namely, justification and the redemption we have in Jesus.
Looking for healing for his Great Sadness, the author of The Shack hit upon a particular strain of thought from the renaissance of Trinitarian theology that happened worldwide in the 1980s and 1990s. This theology has much to be commended. Tragically, however, it departs from the teaching of Scripture about the atoning sacrifice of Jesus for us on the cross. It denies the wrath of God on sin, and denies that Jesus bore that wrath for us. The Shack teaches a different theory of the cross that springs from perichoretic speculations about the Trinity.

Studying the Shack - reading group guide
If you enjoyed reading The Shack, by Wm Paul Young, you will enjoy this study guide to delve deeper into the themes throughout the story of Mack his Great Sadness and the relationships with God, Jesus and Sarayu . The questions within this guide will lead to high levels of introspection and make for great discussions for reading groups of any kind.

Burning down the Shack - How the 'Christian' best seller is deceiving millions
Millions have bought into the theology of Paul Young, whose book The Shack portrays God as a loving, black woman. Similar changes in appearance were given to Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The story of pain and redemption then resonated with the public. But is Young's worldview important? Is his theology that big a deal? James De Young thinks so. In fact, it's so important that he's written a compelling challenge to The Shack. In Burning Down the Shack, De Young manages to shed important light on the implications of Young's pluralistic faith, and provides readers with a gripping counter-balance to the popular little volume that's spent many weeks on the best-seller lists. Exploring the nature and character of God, from Scripture, De Young concludes that it is necessary to proceed carefully with The Shack, lest important truths be skewed and even jettisoned. Without being confrontational, De Young makes the case that dangers can lurk under the foundation.

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