Thursday, March 16, 2017

Reversing the trend in LCMS membership

Recently there have been a number of articles attempting to attend to the declining membership in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.   

Journal of Lutheran Mission
A District-Level Examination of Demographic Trends and Membership Trends within LCMS Districts — by George Hawley
The LCMS in the Face of Demographic and Social Change: A Social Science Perspective — by George Hawley
Generational Generosity: Handing Down Our Faith to Our Children and Our Children’s Children — by Ryan C. McPherson

The Lutheran Reporter
Reversing the LCMS membership decline: not just by having more children
which highlights the important steps to be:

  • Evangelism and outreach. 
  • Re-invigorating congregations. 
  • Healthy workers. 
  • Church planting. 
  • Resolution of internal issues that cause conflict. 

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