Wednesday, December 07, 2016

8 Articles to read from Outreach magazine

Outreach magazine is a bi monthly magazine offering articles and information orientated around outreach and mission...

8 recent articles from the Outreach magazine worth a reading

An Evangelism Equation for Non-Evangelists By Mark R. Teasdale
“Most of our church members are ready to grow in their faith as well as share that faith. They just feel unequipped to do so.”

5 Ways to Get People to Pay Attention When You Preach By Charles Stone
“Here are five neuroscience insights to keep in mind as you prepare your sermons.”

8 Habits of Healthy Church Leaders By Matt Brown
Matt Brown: “We are called by a great God. May we never be stagnant or half-hearted in that calling!”

13 Pastor Mistakes That Hinder Growth By Brian Jones
“Here are 13 common mistakes that lead to sluggish growth, or even decline. Fix these and watch what happens.”

Chris Stephens: ‘Jesus Never Defended Tradition’ By Meredee Berg
“My greatest concern is that churches are hanging on to tradition and losing the power of the gospel.”

Pastoring Portlandia: Dispatches From America’s Post-Christian Frontier By Paul J. Pastor
What does it take to shepherd believers in America’s post-Christian frontier? Cutting-edge savvy and old-time practices.

Pastoring Portlandia: John Mark Comer By Paul J. Pastor
“What a post-Christian world is making us do is get back to the the countercultural, revolutionary lifestyle of Jesus.”

Pastoring Portlandia: Rick McKinley By Paul J. Pastor
“The gospel is enough! We don’t have to sell out or hide in a self-protective group, shivering at the culture around us.”

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