Wednesday, December 07, 2016

2017 Lent Devotion - Salutary Gift

"Within the solemn halls of the Lenten season, Christians gather around God s Word in repentance of sins, preparation for recalling their Savior s sacrifice, and thanksgiving for the crucifixion s redemptive power. The theology of the Lord s Supper mirrors this Lenten pilgrimage in many ways.
In these daily devotions, readers arrive at a deeper appreciation of the Holy Meal instituted by Christ through a study of Scripture and both ancient and modern hymns. Each theme reveals a host of approaches to understanding the same gift: life-giving fruit, nourishment, healing, communion with the saints, rest, a priestly meal, the feast of victory, and more.
Every day of Lent, meditate on and embrace these beautiful, biblical images and metaphors of the Lord s Supper in addition to the chief blessing and description of this Sacrament in Scripture: the forgiveness of sins. The forgiveness of sins, won for the world on Calvary and offered in the Sacrament of the Lord s body and blood truly makes this blessed Supper a salutary gift. "

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