Thursday, June 09, 2016

Lectures: Preaching

Craig Alan Satterlee is the bishop of the North West Lower Michigan Synod of the ELCA. He has presented a number of Lectures on preaching which can be found here   The lectures include:

  • Preaching is Communication
  • Homiletic Method
  • Exegetical Reminders
  • Crafting the Sermon
  • The Preaching Event
  • Toward a Theology of Preaching
  • Ten Parameters of Lutheran Preaching
  • Lectionary Preaching
  • Preaching as a Liturgical Act
  • Preaching at Weddings and Funerals
  • Preaching and Change
  • What Is a Sermon?
  • Who Cares If Anyone Responds to the Sermon! Preaching for the Joy of It!

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