Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Conference: Return to Wittenberg

Return to Wittenberg Conference
26-29 July 2016
Wisconsin Lutheran College, Milwaukee

About the conference
What is the point of going to Church? Can’t I praise and thank God from anywhere – like in the comfort of my own home? I already believe in God. I’m basically a good person. Isn’t that enough?
R2W’s first annual conference will deal with these and other questions that Christian millennials struggle with by addressing the all-encompassing question posed by the Small Catechism: “What Does This Mean?”
We believe the answer to this question can be found in the Catechism’s Six Chief Parts – 1) the Ten Commandments, 2) the Creed, 3) the Lord’s Prayer, 4) Holy Baptism, 5) Confession, and 6) Holy Communion – which are the essence of the entire Christian faith. Our conference will use the Parts as an outline, around which all our worship, discussions, and presentations will be based.
Through the Six Chief Parts, we will discover that the meaning of all true Christian life and worship is found in Christ Jesus, the Incarnate God, and what He offers us through His Holy Spirit in the blessed Means of Grace.

Keynote presentations
The Catechism is Everything
The Catechism as Guide to Preaching and Hearing
The Catechism as Guide to Christian Prayer
The Catechism as Guide to the Sacramental Life
The Catechism as Beichtspiegel--Guide to Private Confession
Panel Discussion with Presenters

For more information:  visit here

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