Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Book: Can these dry bones live?

Churches are closing today at an alarming rate. Pastors are disillusioned, church members are discouraged, and the world has lost interest. Can this disturbing tide be stemmed?
Bill Henard believes that there is hope for the established church – for your church. Some people may have already pronounced the church “dead,” but these dead bones can live. Whether your church is seven years old or one-hundred and seventy, you may be seeing evidences that your church needs vision, direction, and revitalization.
Don’t lose hope. Your church can live.

  1. Why Church revitalization?
  2. Assessment
  3. The Church does not recognise the need for revitalization.
  4. The Church does not want to grow
  5. Barriers to Growth
  6. The gifts do not match the church
  7. Community Demographics differ from the Church
  8. Church turns inwards
  9. External factors
  10. The Church has lost its vision
  11. Operating through inadequate ministry structures
  12. Failure to increase the impact of ministry

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