Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Book: Compelled - Living the mission of God

Understand what it means to be compelled by love.
Ed Stetzer and Philip Nation challenge readers to look at love within the context of God, the church, and the lives of individual believers.  Compelled provides readers a basic theological grounding and a platform for personal application as they understand what missional living is all about it is simply the calling to love others.  Look at the love of God; begin to truly understand what is at the center of the church’s foundation, commission, and direction; but most importantly, understand your role within the mission of God as you integrate love into all aspects of your missional calling.

Part I—Death by Love: God and Mission
Searching Love: The Father’s Heart for Us
Dying Love: Love in the Life of Christ
Indwelling Love: The Spirit’s Living Love
Part II—Identifying Love: the Church In the World
Identified by Love: Having a Mission That Shows
Commissioned by Love: Living with Jesus’ Mission
Directed by Love: Giving Up on Our “Needs”
Sent to Love: Delivering What the World Needs Most
Joined by Love: Loving the Church and Being Loved in Church
Part III—Formed by Love: Believers and the World
Obedient Love: Intersection of Two Ideals
Guided by Love: Seeking to Do the Will of the Father
Called to Love: Living a Missionary Passion for the Lost

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