Thursday, April 14, 2016

Anzac Day Resources 2016

In addition to the Anzac Day resources we posted in 2015 which can be found here

The following resources may be helpful if you are planning an Anzac Day Service for church, Christian school or other Christian worship environment...

Service:  Remembering those who have sacrificed for you, a service prepared for a secondary college

Australian War Memorial web site provides resources including stories, recordings and facts

Christian Origins on the first ANZAC Day Service

Tract:  Fighting Mackenzie - the man and his message

Tract:  Hey true blue

The Anzac Spirit by Col Stringer
The Man the Anzacs Revered by Daniel Reynaud
Anzacs and Israel: A Significant Connection  by Kelvin Crombie
Anzac Day Origins by John A Moses and  George F Davis
The Spirit of the Lighthorsemen by Col Stringer
The long tragedy by Robert Lindner

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