Thursday, March 10, 2016

Best Practices for Ministry Sessions - audio

Best Practices for Ministry is an annual free conference.  The following sessions from one of their recent conferences are available at     :

#facilitatelearning (Joe Willman)

101 Ways to Share the Mercy and Compassion of Christ that Do Not Cost Money (Jim Hetzner)

7 Days of Prayer: A Week of Blessings (Bill Dasch)

Accountability in Ministry (Tom Kithley)

A New Song of Joy (Tim Runtsch)

An Exciting Way to Reach Youth and Families in Your Community... (Sanya Parson)

Asset Based Community Development (Daniel Czaplewski)

Avoiding the 12 Deadly Sins of Church Boards (Bob Brown)

Biblical Personal Financial Stewardship-Growing as a Disciple through Stewarding God's Gifts (Joel Eggerding)

Building a Continuum from First Fruits to Whole Life Gifting (Phil Mienzen)

Building a Staff for Free! (Karen Reincke)

Cancer and the Church (Karen Tripp)

Care and Feeding of a Professional Church Worker (Patti Brunold and Rex Dawson)

Church and School Partnership (Chuck Mueller)

Church Minister's Spouses; My Children (Sara Borgstede)

Church Technology on a Budget-Online Presence (Joe Leahy)

Church Technology on a Budget-Protecting Your Parish in a Digital World (Joe Leahy)

Clear and Simple Discipleship (Greg Finke)

Communicate and Motivate Your Ministry into Legacy Gifts and Endowments (Allan Buss)

Confessing Christ and Living His Mission in the Early Chuch Today (Ben Haupt)

Creating a Connection Culture (Jason Panku)

Discipline its More than Fair Firm and Consistant (Bob Polansky)

Domestic Violence and Abuse is Everyone's Concern (Kim Schave/ Bernie Tonjes)

Do We Really Need to Amend our Bylaws (Bob Brown)

Does Your Family Think You're Healthy and Balanced (Bruce and Ann Fredrickson)

Effective Community Outreach through Volunteer Led Ministries (Karen Tripp)

Encourage, Uplift and Support (Greg Griffith)

Engaging Your Church with Lutheran Ministry in Haiti (Mike Bell)

Enhance your Band with Backing Tracks (TJ Winters)

Environmental Projection Telling a Visual Story in Worship (James Lavender)

From Burnout to Balance... (Davy Tydurski)

Funding New Innovative Ministries with WeRaise-Seven Keys to Successful Crowdfunding (Brian Becker and Abgail Miller)

Fundraising with Special Events Dinner Auctions, Golf Outings, Trivia Nights and More (Bob Polansky)

Growing Mission from the Inside Out (Craig Mccourt)

Having Fun, While Breaking Down the Walls of Your Silo (Lani Walter)

Health Care and Stewardship Come Full Circle (Steve Gruenwald)

How Can My Congregation Make an Impact in Foreign Missions? (Jeff Ehlers)

How Congregations Can Engage in their Health (Karen Sue Murdy)

How to Assess, Empower and Multiply Missional Leaders (David Kim)

How to Share Christ with Friends of Another Faith (David Kim)

I Am Not Normal (Steve and Erin Kline)

Improving Board Effectiveness (Jim Galvin)

Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith (Steve Cohen)

Joining Jesus on His Mission (Greg Finke)

Keys to Great Teamwork (Greg Sryles/ Steve Wagner)

LCMS Foundation and Friends - Congregations Building Planned Giving Endowment Initiatives (Phil Mienzen)

Leadership Lessons from Joseph's Journey (Karen Lippert)

Leadership Natural or Earned (Tom Keithley)

Leading Change in a Congregation (Vic Hippie)

Leading from the Second Chair (Brian Becker)

Legal Update (Bob Brown)

Licensed Lay Deacons - a Responsible Model for Releasing them into WS Ministry (Paul Mueller)

Living as a Sheep Among Wolves; Life Lessons from Death Row (Tim Carter)

Meaningful Meetings (Ron Burcham)

Ministry as a Responsible Recipient of Major Gifts (Allen Helms/ Ralph Simon)

Missions Policies or Favorite Son (Steve Cohen)

More than an Online Bulletin Board; Creating an Engaging Church Website (Peter Frank)

Murphy's 5 Laws of Planning a Disastrous Mission Trip (Bob Brown)

Next Level Preaching and Presenting (John Stennfeld)

Not your Grandma's Confirmation (Nicole Carmines/ Ben Schrank)

Nurturing Your Spiritual Life (Tim Saleska)

Online Community Engagement (Matt Trotter)

Open Your Church's Doors to the Community (Terry Tieman)

Packaging and Parables (Jeff Scheich)

Personal Growth Key Ingredients for a Master Plan (Tom Keithley)

Practical Steps for Revitalizing Congregations (Mark Wood)

Preparing Church Leaders for the 21st Century Mission in America (Kou Seying)

Protect this House; Why the Church Work Marriage and Family Matters to Our Ministries (Heidi Goehmann)

Proving God Without the Bible (Bob Wetesnik)

Public Policy and the Church (Fred Hinz)

Put Your Mask on First; Healthy Leaders Multipling Healthy Leaders (John Hanson and Rhonda Mohr)

Reaching Your Audience; Social Media, Email Marketing, and Search Engines (Sarah Tanner)

Reading Scripture Aloud-Like God Meant It! (Marcia Luecke)

Release Your Best Life After Divorce (Gwynne Gonnerman)

Relevant. The Church as it Relates to Millenials (Thomas Couser)

Remembering Hope (Max Phillips)

Responding to Sexual Temptation in a High Tech Society (Ted Kober)

Reviving the Lutheran Church in the Urban Setting (Jason Pankau)

Senior Pastor Leadership (Jeff Schrank and Bill Tucker)

Shaping Your Inner World to Revitalize Your Outer World (Roger Theimer)

Simple Tips to Make a Great Video (Mike Edge)

Small Congregation/ Big Decisions (Paul Nelson)

StartNew (Nate Schaus and Bill Woolsey)

Stop Hiding from God in One Another (Jason Pankau)

Strategies of the Missionary Pastor and Missionary Congregation (Mark Siegert)

"Take it Home" Evangelism Ideas (Scott Malme)

Teaching Families to Confess and Forgive (Ted Kobert)

Tending Trends and Our Youth (Terry Dittmer)

The Catechism in Relationship Language (Paul Schultz)

The Changing Healthcare Landscape-Implications for Ministries and Workers (Jim Sanft)

The Language of Leadership: #beyondSELFIE (Leon and Gretchen Jameson)

The Lost Art of Story Telling (Craig Mccourt)

The Road to a Stress Free Sunday Morning (Greg Styles)

The Urgency of Church Planting (Peter Meier)

The Urgency of Seeking the Lost (David Kim)

There's Not Enough Time! Increasing Church Office Efficiency with Church360 Members (Peter Frank)

Training the Missionary Pastor for the US Mission Field (Glenn Fluegge)

Transformational Leadership (Mark Jeske)

Transhumanism and the Body (Joel Oesch)

Understanding User Experience and Your Ministry (Sara Tanner)

Unity in Marriage (Jason Pankau)

Unleashing your Congregations Generous Urge (Tim Schwan/ Steve Wagner)

Using Media in Worship (Phil Grimpo)

Using Video in Ministry (Joy Hamann/ TJ Winters)

VBS Easter Egg Hunts from Start to Finish (Nicole Carmines)

When Boomers Need Booming (Tyler Walworth)

Worship Art Leadership from 30,000 ft (Brendan Knorp)

You Can't Share Jesus Until You Know Who You Are In Him (Steve De Santo)

Your Sabbatical; Here's $500+A Free Coach to Make it Happen (Abigail Miller)

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