Thursday, March 31, 2016

Book: A failure of nerve-Leadership in the age of quick fix

Ten years after his death, Edwin Friedman's insights into leadership are more urgently needed than ever. He was the first to tell us that all organizations have personalities, like families, and to apply the insights of family therapy to churches and synagogues, rectors and rabbis, politicians and teachers.

Failure of Nerve is essential reading for all leaders, be they parents or presidents, corporate executives or educators, religious superiors or coaches, healers or generals, managers or clergy. Friedman's insights about our regressed, seatbelt society, oriented toward safety rather than adventure, help explain the sabotage that leaders constantly face today.

Suspicious of the quick fixes and instant solutions that sweep through our culture only to give way to the next fad, he argues for strength and self-differentiation as the marks of true leadership. His formula for success is more maturity, not more data; stamina, not technique; and personal responsibility, not empathy.

This book was unfinished at the time of Friedman's death, and originally published in a limited edition. This new edition makes his life-changing insights and challenges available to a new generation of readers.

Introduction: The Problem with Leadership 1
1 Imaginative Gridlock and the Spirit of Adventure 29
2 A Society in Regression 51
3 Data Junkyards and Data Junkies: The Fallacy of Expertise 95
4 Survival in a Hostile Environment: The Fallacy of Empathy 132
5 Autocracy Versus Integrity: The Fallacies of Self 158
6 Take Five 187
7 Emotional Triangles
8 Crisis and Sabotage: The Keys to the Kingdom 229
        Epilogue: The Presence of the Past 248

Some thoughts on Celebrating 500 years of the Reformation

In 2016 and 2017 many people who call themselves Lutheran and Christian will be celebrating 500 years of the Reformation....
The article some thoughts on celebrating 500 years of the Reformation is starting point for people who are thinking of what they can do to celebrate 500 years of the Reformation 

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Book: iPray: A simple Prayer book for- Ministry, Mercy and Multiplication

God said, "My house will be a House of Prayer for all the nations." (Isaiah 56:7) When Jesus cleansed the temple, this is the verse that He cited. Why? Jesus was standing in the outer courtyard of the temple; this was the only place that the Gentiles could come and worship YHWH; but the religious leaders had made it into a barnyard, a place to buy and sell animals for sacrifice. The Gentiles had no where to worship God.
Christian believers are living stones being built into a Spiritual house, a royal priesthood offering sacrifices that are acceptable to a living God. One of these sacrifices is Prayer. The original temple is gone, just as Jesus prophesied. But followers of Jesus are the living temple; our bodies are indwelt with the Holy Spirit. It is still God's desire for His House to be a House of Prayer. With the Holy Spirit inside us, a believer is led to desire Prayer more and more. In fact, the Holy Spirit prays for us. The Apostles said that they would work towards becoming strong in Prayer and the ministry of the Word (Acts 6:4).
This book was written to help believers today to become strong in Prayer; especially Prayer for the purpose of Ministry, Mercy and Multiplication. In this book you will find actual examples from over a decade of ministry- not theory. You will see what is actually working in hundreds of churches. This is a practical resource taken from the experiences of Jim Buckman, mission strategist who helps churches plant new worshipping communities by using the House Church model and training the Priesthood of the Baptized to work under the supervision of their Pastors. Prayer is an important key to building relationships with others. Jim has found that asking the simple question, "How can I pray for you?" to be very effective in building relationship with others, ultimately so that we can share the Gospel. "How can I pray for you?" is a doorway to learning what really matters to others, providing care they actually want and a transparent way to build a faith focused relationship so that you can share the Good News that in Christ, we have one Who always Prays for us (Romans 10).

The book is part of the, a ministry of prayer for ministry, mercy and multiplication, which also offers an app to assist you and your church in prayer.

Book: Rooted - the hidden places where God develops you

You were born to make an impact in this world and you know it. You feel it deep down in your bones. Apathy is your nemesis and your hunger to change the world keeps you up at night. But no matter how deep this hunger growls, we can only make a meaningful impact if we are rooted in Jesus. And here’s the thing:
God is not interested in developing your vision first.
He is interested in developing you.
In Rooted, Banning Liebscher takes us to the life of David to show how God expands our root system in the hidden places before leading us to where we all desire to go, the visible world. It was in a field of prayerful devotion, a season of serving, and a cave of community that God prepared David for his crown, the same way God prepares us. Take a look at your own life. Are you embracing God’s process, the sometimes painstaking and maddening process? When we can release ourselves to God we will find that we can thrive while He develops us, rather than succumb to discouragement.
Whatever your age or season of life, it takes immense courage to slow down enough to let God grow a root system in your life so that you can bear fruit that remains. You are where you are because God has planted you there. Discover what it looks like to embrace His process so you can do what He has called you to, change the world.

“So often our culture encourages us toward the quick-fix solution or shortcut to whatever it is we have our hearts set upon. But with the deep things of God, there’s likely no drive-through version or fast-track approach. His ways are higher than ours—and they are often slower too. My friend Banning’s brilliant book is such a timely reminder of how over time we can develop deep roots in Christ, and how these various roots then become the foundation for a life of lasting impact.”   —Matt Redman, songwriter, UK

“So it’s about time we have a book from Banning Liebscher, after his years of leading the Jesus Culture movement and gatherings of hundreds of thousands of young leaders around the world! Banning hits the jackpot with this new book on identity, purpose, and calling—a much-needed and timely message and a challenge for all leaders. Rooted reminds us that leaders must not only embrace the process of becoming who God has called us to be but actually love it too!”  —Brad Lomenick, past president of Catalyst and author of The Catalyst Leader and H3 Leadership

“Banning takes us back to the basics in this brilliant, simple book. Rooted is a gift to an entire generation that could otherwise easily forget or, worse yet, never hear the foundations for a distinctive Christian life.”   —Gabe Lyons, Q founder and author of Good Faith

“This foundational concept of being rooted is so timely for our culture. Strong winds will come at us and want to take us in every direction, but only the trees that have deep roots will stand when these winds blow. It’s our unseen self that truly is our strength. I highly recommend anyone to dig deep into these pages. Thank you, Banning, for such an important book for our days.”    —Chris Tomlin, singer and songwriter

“I’ve been doing life and ministry with Banning Liebscher for more than fifteen years. I’ve watched him live out the message that is his new book, Rooted. I’ve watched as Banning has continuously surrendered his life to God, devoted himself to prayer, served the Church, and intentionally moved toward relationships and challenges within community. He is certainly a leader who has stepped out in faith, allowing God to develop deep roots in his life. I have personally been challenged by Banning’s uncompromising trust in God and commitment to being strongly rooted in Him. The message of Rooted is a timely and prophetic message this generation needs to hear. In an age where everything is so attainable and we are all encouraged to dream big, it is so important to understand the cost of what God calls us to. It’s easy to dream and have vision, but to surrender our lives in trust to God and to allow Him to develop us from the inside out takes tremendous courage and strength. But it is possible and so incredibly important! If you are in it for the long haul, if you want to be able to sustain the dreams God has put in your heart, if you want to bear fruit that will last, this is the book for you!”   —Kim Walker-Smith, president of Jesus Culture Music and Jesus Culture Publishing

“This book connects with my soul! Amidst the highs and lows of life, my heart longs to be grounded in Christ. To be rooted in His truths. To be reminded that before God can work through us, He must do a work in us.”   —Kyle Korver, professional basketball player for the Atlanta Hawks

“Few men in our generation have shaped the songs we sing, the places we gather, and the spiritual atmospheres we encounter, like Banning. In his book Rooted, it’s easy to see his gift for practical lifestyle leadership. Banning’s words have a profound undercurrent to push you into developing spiritual integrity. Many of us are looking for a front-row seat to an honest and real conversation about what it’s going to take to go the distance. Rooted is a resource you want to have close throughout the years. It’s a must-read book!”
—Havilah Cunnington, director of Moral Revolution and founder of Truth to Table Ministries

“Few voices of this generation are qualified to both biblically and practically detail the process through which God roots us into our purposes. One of those voices is undoubtedly Banning’s. In his new book Rooted, Banning expertly engages the slow-motion button and give us powerful step-by-step insight into how God develops us to be who He has willed for us to be! Great read!”   —Chris Hill, senior pastor of the Potter’s House of Denver

“Banning is a general to the modern generation. He has great insight into discipleship and raising up a generation. This book will impact and empower you to live a life of greatness. I thoroughly recommend this book to you.”   —Russell Evans, founder and director of Planetshakers

“In every generation a heart comes along that beats so loudly for God, the sound is heard around the world. Banning Liebscher possesses this kind of heart—a heart whose soil continues to be tilled, watered, tended, and tested by fire—producing lasting fruit that nourishes the nations. In his book Rooted, Banning takes the enormous fruit of his own life and puts it directly into the hands of each reader, practically walking you into a life so rooted in intimacy and wisdom, it can thrive in every season.”  —Christa Black Gifford, speaker, songwriter, and author of God Loves Ugly and Heart Made Whole

“Rooted, the latest book by Banning Liebscher, is both intensely practical and wonderfully profound. I’ve had the pleasure of watching Banning become what he has written about—a man deeply rooted, who bears much fruit. His life in God is rich and real. For this reason, God is using him to transform the lives of countless people around the world. Learning to embrace God’s process in our lives brings us to a place of rest, where trust becomes a natural expression of our relationship with God. Rooted is sure to have great impact on all who read it.”   —Bill Johnson, Bethel Church, Redding, California, and author of When Heaven Invades Earth and Defining Moments

“Finding your identity in Christ is so important in today’s world. Rooted gives you the fundamental skills to guide you into being fully grounded and established in Christ, producing fruit that lasts. This book shows us that when we are fully rooted in Christ, we are positioned to influence the world around us.”   —Luke Ridnour, thirteen-year NBA veteran

“Everyone champions accomplishments, but not many people champion the journey. I love Banning’s take on how to embrace the journey and trust God on your way to enduring fruit. This book will help you redefine what success looks like in your life. It will give you keys to help you lean into the Lord when you are in process or feel far from your destination. And you will find yourself getting built up and learn how to enjoy the different seasons of life.”
—Kelly Clark, Olympic gold and two-time bronze medalist in snowboarding halfpipe

“In order to fully achieve all that God has called us to do in our life, we must know our God-viewed identity! I believe Banning does that in Rooted by taking us through David’s life and showing us how engaging in high-trust intimate relationships with God and community will allow us to truly serve others in a way that people will see Jesus and be impacted by Him.”
—Jeremy Affeldt, retired Major League Baseball pitcher, three-time World Series champion, and author of To Stir a Movement

“Many Christians struggle with the illusion of choice, believing there are multiple paths to purpose and passion. In Rooted, Banning invites us on a journey down the narrow path that defines the process of becoming fruitful in our service to Christ. You will find this path to be both practical and biblical, one that defines terms like serving, humility, and community. A legacy is a history worth repeating; Rooted equips and encourages us to embrace our true calling, following Jesus and living a legacy that produces everlasting fruit.”  —Lyle Wells, author and speaker

Luther Refracted

Luther Refracted speaks to the currency that Luther’s life and thought continue to enjoy in today’s Christian reflection. The contributors, representing a variety of Christian denominations, demonstrate Luther’s lasting impact on their own traditions and, together with the Lutheran respondents, encourage a fresh understanding of the Reformer. In their at times vigorous engagement, Luther’s legacy comes to light not only as variously received but also as contradicted, and transformed, only to reemerge as a fruitful leaven for further thought and transformation. All the essays presented here witness to Luther’s significance as a formidable doctor ecclesiae, a teacher of the church.

Contributors include:
Matthew Myer Boulton, Christian Theological Seminary
Brian Brewer, Baylor University
Anna Case-Winters, McCormick Theological Seminary
Paul R. Hinlicky, Roanoke College
Matt Jenson, Biola University
Piotr Maysz, Beeson Divinity School
Ian McFarland, University of Cambridge
Derek Nelson, Wabash College
Ted Peters, Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary David Tracy, Emeritus, University of Chicago
David Tracy, University of Chicago
Jared Wicks, SJ, Pontifical College Josephinum
Susan Wood, SCL, Marquette University
Johannes Zachhuber, University of Oxford
Randall C. Zachman, University of Notre Dame

"'Martin Luther is one of those rare Christian theologians who belong to all Christian theology.' With these perceptive words David Tracy concludes his contribution to this remarkable volume on Luther's theology. Malysz and Nelson have assembled contributions of established authors hailing from various denominations who make two points clear: Luther's theology continues to influence and stimulate the whole of Christendom. Though Luther was neither infallible nor a saint, his theological insights provide valuable resources across denominational lines. This book needs to be studied for the benefit of the open-minded reader."
—Hans Schwarz University of Regensburg

"In this book, world class theologians move beyond dialogue designed for developing churchly position statements effectuating ecumenical rapprochement.  Instead, by means of unguarded and critical engagement with Luther, essayists from a variety of confessional heritages address topics of perennial relevance, such as community, universal priesthood, ministry, faith, divine hiddenness, and the sacraments, and allow a new Luther and a new ecumenism to emerge. From the questions posed to Luther as well as the challenges that Luther poses to us we can foresee a thawing of the current ecumenical winter and the warming of a renewed theological collaboration across confessional lines."
—Mark Mattes Grand View University

"This symposium contributes to the emerging ecumenical consensus that Luther's theology can be a rich resource for all Christian churches and denominations. An aspect of this consensus is that Luther's followers have often diminished his greatness by practicing the art of selective reductionism to prove the superiority of their particular brand of Lutheranism. The pietists reconstructed Luther after their own image and the orthodox did the same. With hindsight we Lutherans must grudgingly admit that Luther was never a good Lutheran, judged by the criteria applied by the various denominations that bear his name."
—Carl E. Braaten Emeritus, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago

"The essays in Luther Refracted free Luther from captivity to confessionalist or modernist agendas and engage him in lively contemporary ecumenical-theological conversation. A valuable stimulus for anyone interested in the continuing vitality of Luther's theological legacy."
—David S. Yeago North American Seminary and Trinity School for Ministry

Book: Beyond church walls - cultivating a culture of care

Pastoral care has been traditionally understood as pastoral acts administered to individuals or small groups by an ordained or lay religious practitioner. As congregations in the twenty-first century begin to reclaim the missional nature of church, this view must be broadened to include care and concern for the needs of the larger community. A missional perspective of pastoral care embraces the notion that all of God's people, not just trained professionals, are called to partner in the healing and redemption of the world.

In Beyond Church Walls, Rick Rouse sets out to articulate precisely what such an approach to pastoral care looks like and the substantial impact it can have on congregations and communities. A skilled teacher and pastor with deep experience in real communities, Rouse leads readers through the changing realities of the twenty-first century and to new ways for missional churches to succeed in offering pastoral care for the whole community.

1.Reclaiming God's Vision for Mission
2.From Individualism to Community: Reframing Pastoral Care
3.Maneuvering the Challenges of Change
4.Contexts of Care:
5.Creating Caring Communities
6.A Congregational Approach to Community Organizing
7.When Prayer Is Not Enough: The Power of Ritual to Heal
8.Developing a Vision and Strategy for a Discipleship Congregation
Appendix I: Bible Study "The Good Samaritan: A Parable of Care"
Appendix II: A Missional Approach to Pastoral Care: Case Study Scenarios
Appendix III: Sample Rites
Appendix IV: A Ministry Assessment Survey: The Seven Keys
Appendix V: Fifty Ways to Take Church to Your Community
Appendix VI: Example of Strategic Vision Statement

Book: Teaching the faith at Home

When children are in their early elementary school years, their minds are actually at the peak time for easy rote memorization. And yet, many Protestant churches begin formal confirmation instruction years after this formative period. What are the effects of this lapse in time? Too often, young teens fall away from their church after confirmation—a trend that will hurt future generations of families.
After assessing current trends in the faith development of youth, Dr. David Rueter wrote Teaching the Faith at Home: What Does This Mean? How Is This Done? to reveal why the historic model of teaching the catechism early in the home is key in keeping families connected to the Church. Part 1 focuses on laying a foundation for understanding the history, purpose, and theological reasons for catechesis. And Part 2 is a very practical look at strategies and models for catechetical instruction that can be shared at church and used in the home.

Catechesis that’s grounded in family life is not a new idea, but it’s one that our fast-paced culture often forgets and would do well to remember and cherish.

"This is an excellent, reader-friendly book, championing the cause of lifelong learning and lifespan catechesis. Rueter recognizes the responsibility of the whole church for raising disciples. He makes the case that catechesis is something church and family do together. Anyone concerned about teaching the faith to children, youth, and adults through the entire span of life will find plenty to chew on."
—Rev. Dr. Terry Dittmer, Senior Director of LCMS Youth Ministry

"Teaching the Faith at Home will effectively equip and encourage church-workers and parents alike as they work hand-in-hand to 'train up a child' (Proverbs 22:6). In this excellent resource, which is both engaging and practical, author David L. Rueter provides an eye-opening approach to confirmation instruction—a philosophy of ministry that may be fundamental to building and maintaining a viable 'catechesis culture' in the church and its families today!"
—Deb Burma, Youth Ministry Leader and Author  (Raising Godly Girls, CPH, 2015; Stepping Out: To a Life on the Edge, CPH, 2013) 

"Teaching the Faith at Home will both challenge and encourage you to make teaching the faith a priority at home and church, and give you workable ideas for how to do so in ways that honor your children’s questions and foster a reasoned and owned faith. This is a wonderful resource for church leaders and parents to draw from in their work together for the sake of their children."
—Dr. Kevin E. Lawson, Director, PhD and EdD Programs in Educational Studies at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University; Editor of the Christian Education Journal 

"Dr. Rueter has combined his experience as an educator in the congregation and university with thorough research and insight to produce a text that explains catechetical instruction and equips the reader to realize its benefits. The history, doctrine, wisdom, and practical means of providing catechetical instruction contained in Teaching the Faith at Home make it a greatly needed resource for Christianity."
—Michael Eschelbach, Professor of Theology Concordia University Irvine

Book: Working for Our Neighbor: A Lutheran Primer on Vocation, Economics, and Ordinary Life

The Protestant Reformation was a catalyst for social mobility, universal education, and the rise of modern market economies. In his classic study The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Max Weber showed the connections between Protestantism and the new economics. Weber, however, focused on the Calvinists and Puritans and speculated that economic success became a way of proving one’s election. He thus posited, with little evidence, a spiritual self-interest that was parallel to economic self-interest, distorting both Protestantism and capitalism.

Weber neglected the specifically Lutheran doctrine of vocation, which emphasizes the spiritual and moral value of economic activity. According to Luther, God himself is hidden in vocation, as he providentially works through ordinary human beings to care for his creation. In their work—not only in the economy, but also in family, church, and community—Christians live out their faith in love and service to their neighbors.

For Lutherans, the doctrine of vocation is nothing less than the theology of the Christian life. In its social impact, vocation gave a theological basis for the division of labor, social equality, and individual freedom. In this elucidating work, Gene Edward Veith connects vocation to justification, good works, and Christian freedom—defining how the Lutheran contribution to economics can transfigure ordinary life, and work, with the powerful presence of God.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Testimony: Tas Papas skateboard champion

Tas Papas testimony is one that many relate to, because they have disappointments and bad things happening in their life...
It is worth listening

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Stations of the Cross - street art to bring the Lent story of Jesus to the community

The stations of the cross show that was meant for those who grace the hallways of a church and for those who just walk by outside. These stations are a cross-section of elements, ideas, and objects from Jesus’ journey of being with us, but made available to the wider world and can be made available to the community where your church is placed.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Best Practices for Ministry Sessions - audio

Best Practices for Ministry is an annual free conference.  The following sessions from one of their recent conferences are available at     :

#facilitatelearning (Joe Willman)

101 Ways to Share the Mercy and Compassion of Christ that Do Not Cost Money (Jim Hetzner)

7 Days of Prayer: A Week of Blessings (Bill Dasch)

Accountability in Ministry (Tom Kithley)

A New Song of Joy (Tim Runtsch)

An Exciting Way to Reach Youth and Families in Your Community... (Sanya Parson)

Asset Based Community Development (Daniel Czaplewski)

Avoiding the 12 Deadly Sins of Church Boards (Bob Brown)

Biblical Personal Financial Stewardship-Growing as a Disciple through Stewarding God's Gifts (Joel Eggerding)

Building a Continuum from First Fruits to Whole Life Gifting (Phil Mienzen)

Building a Staff for Free! (Karen Reincke)

Cancer and the Church (Karen Tripp)

Care and Feeding of a Professional Church Worker (Patti Brunold and Rex Dawson)

Church and School Partnership (Chuck Mueller)

Church Minister's Spouses; My Children (Sara Borgstede)

Church Technology on a Budget-Online Presence (Joe Leahy)

Church Technology on a Budget-Protecting Your Parish in a Digital World (Joe Leahy)

Clear and Simple Discipleship (Greg Finke)

Communicate and Motivate Your Ministry into Legacy Gifts and Endowments (Allan Buss)

Confessing Christ and Living His Mission in the Early Chuch Today (Ben Haupt)

Creating a Connection Culture (Jason Panku)

Discipline its More than Fair Firm and Consistant (Bob Polansky)

Domestic Violence and Abuse is Everyone's Concern (Kim Schave/ Bernie Tonjes)

Do We Really Need to Amend our Bylaws (Bob Brown)

Does Your Family Think You're Healthy and Balanced (Bruce and Ann Fredrickson)

Effective Community Outreach through Volunteer Led Ministries (Karen Tripp)

Encourage, Uplift and Support (Greg Griffith)

Engaging Your Church with Lutheran Ministry in Haiti (Mike Bell)

Enhance your Band with Backing Tracks (TJ Winters)

Environmental Projection Telling a Visual Story in Worship (James Lavender)

From Burnout to Balance... (Davy Tydurski)

Funding New Innovative Ministries with WeRaise-Seven Keys to Successful Crowdfunding (Brian Becker and Abgail Miller)

Fundraising with Special Events Dinner Auctions, Golf Outings, Trivia Nights and More (Bob Polansky)

Growing Mission from the Inside Out (Craig Mccourt)

Having Fun, While Breaking Down the Walls of Your Silo (Lani Walter)

Health Care and Stewardship Come Full Circle (Steve Gruenwald)

How Can My Congregation Make an Impact in Foreign Missions? (Jeff Ehlers)

How Congregations Can Engage in their Health (Karen Sue Murdy)

How to Assess, Empower and Multiply Missional Leaders (David Kim)

How to Share Christ with Friends of Another Faith (David Kim)

I Am Not Normal (Steve and Erin Kline)

Improving Board Effectiveness (Jim Galvin)

Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith (Steve Cohen)

Joining Jesus on His Mission (Greg Finke)

Keys to Great Teamwork (Greg Sryles/ Steve Wagner)

LCMS Foundation and Friends - Congregations Building Planned Giving Endowment Initiatives (Phil Mienzen)

Leadership Lessons from Joseph's Journey (Karen Lippert)

Leadership Natural or Earned (Tom Keithley)

Leading Change in a Congregation (Vic Hippie)

Leading from the Second Chair (Brian Becker)

Legal Update (Bob Brown)

Licensed Lay Deacons - a Responsible Model for Releasing them into WS Ministry (Paul Mueller)

Living as a Sheep Among Wolves; Life Lessons from Death Row (Tim Carter)

Meaningful Meetings (Ron Burcham)

Ministry as a Responsible Recipient of Major Gifts (Allen Helms/ Ralph Simon)

Missions Policies or Favorite Son (Steve Cohen)

More than an Online Bulletin Board; Creating an Engaging Church Website (Peter Frank)

Murphy's 5 Laws of Planning a Disastrous Mission Trip (Bob Brown)

Next Level Preaching and Presenting (John Stennfeld)

Not your Grandma's Confirmation (Nicole Carmines/ Ben Schrank)

Nurturing Your Spiritual Life (Tim Saleska)

Online Community Engagement (Matt Trotter)

Open Your Church's Doors to the Community (Terry Tieman)

Packaging and Parables (Jeff Scheich)

Personal Growth Key Ingredients for a Master Plan (Tom Keithley)

Practical Steps for Revitalizing Congregations (Mark Wood)

Preparing Church Leaders for the 21st Century Mission in America (Kou Seying)

Protect this House; Why the Church Work Marriage and Family Matters to Our Ministries (Heidi Goehmann)

Proving God Without the Bible (Bob Wetesnik)

Public Policy and the Church (Fred Hinz)

Put Your Mask on First; Healthy Leaders Multipling Healthy Leaders (John Hanson and Rhonda Mohr)

Reaching Your Audience; Social Media, Email Marketing, and Search Engines (Sarah Tanner)

Reading Scripture Aloud-Like God Meant It! (Marcia Luecke)

Release Your Best Life After Divorce (Gwynne Gonnerman)

Relevant. The Church as it Relates to Millenials (Thomas Couser)

Remembering Hope (Max Phillips)

Responding to Sexual Temptation in a High Tech Society (Ted Kober)

Reviving the Lutheran Church in the Urban Setting (Jason Pankau)

Senior Pastor Leadership (Jeff Schrank and Bill Tucker)

Shaping Your Inner World to Revitalize Your Outer World (Roger Theimer)

Simple Tips to Make a Great Video (Mike Edge)

Small Congregation/ Big Decisions (Paul Nelson)

StartNew (Nate Schaus and Bill Woolsey)

Stop Hiding from God in One Another (Jason Pankau)

Strategies of the Missionary Pastor and Missionary Congregation (Mark Siegert)

"Take it Home" Evangelism Ideas (Scott Malme)

Teaching Families to Confess and Forgive (Ted Kobert)

Tending Trends and Our Youth (Terry Dittmer)

The Catechism in Relationship Language (Paul Schultz)

The Changing Healthcare Landscape-Implications for Ministries and Workers (Jim Sanft)

The Language of Leadership: #beyondSELFIE (Leon and Gretchen Jameson)

The Lost Art of Story Telling (Craig Mccourt)

The Road to a Stress Free Sunday Morning (Greg Styles)

The Urgency of Church Planting (Peter Meier)

The Urgency of Seeking the Lost (David Kim)

There's Not Enough Time! Increasing Church Office Efficiency with Church360 Members (Peter Frank)

Training the Missionary Pastor for the US Mission Field (Glenn Fluegge)

Transformational Leadership (Mark Jeske)

Transhumanism and the Body (Joel Oesch)

Understanding User Experience and Your Ministry (Sara Tanner)

Unity in Marriage (Jason Pankau)

Unleashing your Congregations Generous Urge (Tim Schwan/ Steve Wagner)

Using Media in Worship (Phil Grimpo)

Using Video in Ministry (Joy Hamann/ TJ Winters)

VBS Easter Egg Hunts from Start to Finish (Nicole Carmines)

When Boomers Need Booming (Tyler Walworth)

Worship Art Leadership from 30,000 ft (Brendan Knorp)

You Can't Share Jesus Until You Know Who You Are In Him (Steve De Santo)

Your Sabbatical; Here's $500+A Free Coach to Make it Happen (Abigail Miller)

Book: Leading change in a congregation

Many books have been written about leadership and change, but until now none has focused on the kind of change that tears at a community's very fabric. Alban senior consultant Gil Rendle provides a respectful context for understanding change, especially the experiences and resistances that people feel. Rendle pulls together theory, research, and his work with churches facing change to provide leaders with practical diagnostic models and tools. In a time when change is the norm, this book helps to "lead change" in a spiritual and healthy way.

This new resource is a result of Gil Rendle’s continuing passion and well developed body of knowledge to carry out his calling to empower leaders of Spirit based organizations to find ‘the Way’ through change, and the inextricably bound character of conflict. He invites the reader to a new level of transformation that travels beyond the pages into a process of continual life.
By unabashedly naming and demythologizing the fear of change and converting its power into new found faith, he provides a pathway through ‘the wilderness’ with skill, compassion, and power for the journey God is unfolding for ministry. I highly recommend it as a ‘must read’ to begin the new journey. (Alfred Johnson, Resident Bishop, New Jersey Area, The United Methodist Church)

Gil Rendle writes just like he speaks; intelligently, coherently, credibly, and provocatively. In this book, he addresses questions of leadership and change with which every congregation eventually must grapple…and better sooner than later. Indeed, the church or synagogue that does not grasp the importance of congregational change and transformation will find itself among those described by the sad comment, ‘If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got!’ Gil Rendle challenges us to get ‘unstuck’ and reflect on how congregational leaders can be agents of change and transformation; more power to him! (Lennard R. Thal, Vice President, Union of American Hebrew Congregations)

This volume is a goldmine of ideas for helping congregational leaders face or initiate change. The book synthesizes the best and most recent thinking about change and churches, presenting it in useful bite-sized increments that can be used by a group planning to help their congregation be more adaptive to the world changing around it.
Rendle is an excellent writer. His prose is clear and precise; best of all, he tells great stories and gives useful examples. The examples make it believable that what he is proposing can, indeed, be implemented in a real situation.
His theory and the clear processes he recommends are simple enough to remember when you are working with a group, yet complex enough to be useful.
This book could be by a study group in the church wanting to develop its skills and understanding about change in any environment, or it could be used as the manual a committee uses to introduce change in a congregation related to worship, program, outreach, or generating understanding of current social issues. (Speed B. Leas, congregational consultant, author of "Discover Your Conflict Management Style")