Friday, February 19, 2016

Conference: The Great Commission Summitt

The Great Commission Summit exists to teach, equip and connect pastors and church leaders to be effective ministers of the Gospel amid the changing dynamic of global Christianity.

"To Christianize cannot be the same as to Westernize."  - Vitalino Simalox

Concordia University Irvine, guided by the Great Commission of Christ Jesus and the Lutheran Confessions, empowers students through the liberal arts and professional studies for lives of learning, service and leadership.

Dates June 9-10, 2016

All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.  (2 Corinthians 5:18)
Paul tells us that God did two things to him.
First, God reconciled Paul to Himself through Christ,
and second, He gave Paul the ministry of reconciliation. What an incredible statement. We are reconciled to be reconcilers.

In our communities opportunities abound for reconciliation.
Person to person.
Church to community.
Church to church.
There are needs for reconciliation between races and classes.
Great Commission Summit 16 will focus on the two calls to reconciliation -
how those calls are being answered in the Global South -
and what God would have us do in our local callings.

Featured Presenter
Femi B. Adeleye has been involved in student ministry with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) for more than thirty years. He is now IFES Associate General Secretary for Partnership & Collaboration, working to nurture nationally led Christian student witness that will produce a new generation of leaders for the church and nations of Africa and beyond. Born in Nigeria, he is currently based in Ghana.

For more information and to view the presentations of the Great Commission Summit in 2014 visit

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