Monday, December 21, 2015

Star Wars - theology and Christian Themes

Star Wars -the force awakens has recently been released and there are many themes that preachers, teachers and Christians can use to lead into discussion about the true force, Jesus.
The following resources may be of assistance:

Movie Reviews
Christianity Today

Christian themes in the Star Wars franchise- articles
Real Truth
Feeling the force by Josh McDowell
Is Star Wars Christian or anti Christian? 
Spirituality of Star Wars
5 Spiritual laws of Star Wars
Philosophy and religion in Star Wars 
The Worldview of Star Wars
Star Wars Spirituality
Christian Themes in Star Wars
How star wars answers our biggest Spiritual questions?

The Real force - 40 day devotional
A true hope - Jedi perils and the way of Jesus
The Gospel according to Star Wars
Finding God in a galaxy far far away
The power of the force
Christian Wisdom from Jedi Masters

The religion of the force
May the faith be with you

Signs, themes and promotions using Stars Wars

1 comment:

  1. This older book may also be of interest (though I have not read it myself):
    Geisler, Norman L. "The religion of the Force"
