Monday, November 02, 2015

Service Order: Prayer for seed, soil and water

Prayer for seed, soil and water has been developed by Rev Jim Bryan 


PRAYER FOR SEEDS:    (Hold seeds aloft)

P.:       We pray for the seed, a gift of God’s creation.
C.:       Creating God, you have given seed to the sower and bread to the people. Nourish, protect and bless the seeds which your people have sown in hope. By your loving and bountiful giving, may they bring forth their fruit in due season. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

HYMN:           564 We plough the fields and scatter v 1

PRAYER FOR SOIL:       (Hold soil aloft)

P.:       We pray for the soil, a gift of God’s creation.
C.:       Giver of life, we give you thanks that in the richness of
the soil nature awakens. We praise you for the smell of     freshly tilled earth, the beauty of a cleanly cut furrow, and a well-ploughed field. We ask that you help us to be good stewards of this land. In the name of the one who gives us new life, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

HYMN:           564 We plough the fields and scatter v 2

PRAYER FOR WATER / RAIN(Hold water aloft)

P.:       We pray for the rain which waters the earth, a gift of God’s    creation.
C.:       Sustaining God, we receive the fruits of the earth from you. We give you thanks for the smell of the earth after rain, for its welcome cooling, and its vital hydration of the land. We ask that the rain come as often as it is needed, so that the crops may flourish and the coming harvest be bountiful indeed. Amen.

HYMN:           564 We plough the fields and scatter v 3

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