Friday, November 13, 2015

Book: The quest for holiness

The quest for holiness, originally written in 1928 by Adolf Koberele is not merely for theologians but for all who desire a sound, scriptural setting forth of the truths and the implications for each individual embodied in the steps of justification and sanctification.
For simplicity, clarity, and completeness on this subject, this book is unsurpassed.
It is written not merely with ink but with the lifeblood of the true believer striving daily for greater holiness and God-pleasing perfection.

  1. Man’s Attempts to Sanctify Himself in God’s Sight 
  2. God’s Judgment on Man’s Self-Sanctification
  3. Man’s Justification Before God Through the Word of Forgiveness
  4. Sanctification as the Work of God in the Life of the Justified Sinner 
  5. Sanctification as the Answer of the Justified Sinner 
  6. The Significance of Sanctification in the Preservation or Loss of the State of Faith
  7. The Relationship of Justification and Sanctification

About the author
Adolf Köberle was Professor of Systematic Theology in Basel.  He was head of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Seminary 1922-1926.   Köberle primarily wrote about Christian holiness as being motivated by the love of Christ and gratitude to God (rather than being motivated by obligation or fear).

Reader's guide is available here

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