Monday, November 09, 2015

Book: Developing a church planting culture in a confessional Lutheran setting

Developing a church planting culture in a confessional Lutheran setting by Matt Doebler....focuses those Christians who make up a church that sees themselves as confessional.   

There is a growing body of evidence that the Church is losing ground in America in terms of the number of people who are truly connected to it. "Building a Church-Planting Culture in a Confessional Lutheran Setting" takes a look at the extent of the problem and offers a solution through exponential church planting. It primarily addresses how confessional Lutheran churches, specifically Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) churches, have the privilege and the theology to plant churches exponentially. It is the author’s prayer that WELS churches would be motivated to plant churches exponentially through the ideas shared in this thesis. He also prays that such godly planting in the WELS will make significant gains in the number of Americans who are connected to Christ through His Church in America.

Chapters include:
  1. The problem and the setting
  2. Biblical Foundations
  3. A literature review
  4. The Research
  5. Applications

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