Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Evangelism Resources from Lutheran CORE

Lutheran Core provides the following evangelism resources

  • Reviewing your current worship practices 
  • Drifting towards universalism
  • Preaching with Relevance
  • Reflections and Observations
  • Pathology of Congregations in Decline
  • Small groups revisited
  • Suggestions for your annual stewardship campaign
  • Characteristics of effective,  growing churches
  • Does God have a plan for your congregation?
  • Mentoring in ministry
  • Moving from Reactive Conflict to Proactive Mission Part 1
  • Moving from reactive conflict to proactive mission Part 2
  • Motivating and empowering your priests
  • New demographic impacts outreach
  • Nominal Protestantism
  • Not forgetting the essentials–Part 1
  • One Congregation’s Journey Part 1
  • One Congregation’s Journey Part 2
  • Preaching in the Digital Age
  • Revisiting the Facts on Growth Study
  • Small Group Ministry 
  • Tension between style & content
  • What the local church is uniquely equipped to offer
  • Who Are “The Nones?”
  • Your ministry to Boomers

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