Saturday, September 26, 2015

2015 Advent resources

Advent resources for 2015

Advent and Christmas resources from:
Augsburg Fortress
Concordia Publishing House
Sola Publishing
Messy Church
Church House Publishing 

Advent Conspiracy - Can Christmas still change the world?  The Christmas story is a story of love, hope, redemption and relationship. So, what happened? How did it turn into stuff, stress and debt? Somehow, we’ve traded the best story in the world for the story of what’s on sale.  The Advent Conspiracy is about helping congregations focus on Christmas being a time of Worshipping fully, Spending less, Giving more, Loving all!!

Advent - intergenerational event from Loyola Press
Advent traditions carnival

Advent Calendar history
Create your own advent video calendar

How to make an Advent wreath

Teacher's resources

Jesse Tree resources

Advent Worship Resources
Worship Planning and Sermon themes
Perth Anglican Diocese
United Methodist Church Worship Resources
Richard J Fairchild
Amazing Love worship series
Re:  Worship

Advent Devotions
Listening to Luke
Lutheran Hour Ministries

Previous Advent Resources

Advent Devotional Books

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