Thursday, February 26, 2015

Here2stay ....

Current Australian research is shouting to us that our current ‘GIFT generation’ of young people (Google, iDevice, FaceBook, Twitter), which is more connected and more isolated than generations before them, is walking away from church and/or faith in their early adolescent years. A brief survey of some authors from across the Western world reveals that this concerning trend is not limited to our shores.

The Here2Stay initiative is the result of a collaborative approach by some of the major denominations and organisations serving families and children in Australia.  Our journey towards a solution begins with an acknowledgement that a large part of our discipling strategy has revolved around the imparting of INFORMATION.  While the content of our curricula and programs is important, this strategy alone is not producing mature disciples. To this equation we need to intentionally add experiences that focus on FORMATION so that faith goes deeper. The result will be TRANSFORMATION. The result will be followers of Jesus who are Here2Stay.

What are the formational ‘experiences’ that, if integrated into a long term journey with our children from their birth, will cause their faith to grow deeper, be more strongly rooted and grounded, and provide a foundation and stability for the turbulent years ahead? The Here2stay website explores further 10 foundational formational experiences that have largely been overlooked in our ministry programs with children, young people and young adults.

The beginning of the solution to see a reversal of this trend is at our fingertips – if we are prepared to take the journey?

Here2stay is a collaboration of Bible Society, Compassion Australia, Focus on the Family, SU Queensland and Willow Creek...

for more information visit

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