Monday, February 09, 2015

Book: Lenten Study - The God of Life

God is the God of Life. It is no accident that the great “I Am” sayings of Jesus include the very staples of living: bread and water. And it is not an idle thing that we are invited at Holy Communion to feed on Christ spiritually, in our hearts, by faith with thanksgiving. God desires us to live Christlike lives.
Lent has traditionally been a special season in the growth and development of a Christian’s life. Through looking carefully into our outer and inner lives, with reflection and repentance, we find renewal.
The Holy Spirit takes our prayers, thoughts, questions and study time, and shapes our lives to deeper discipleship.
A special focus on God’s work in us that enables us to experience life in its fullness is explored in each of these five studies:

The readings are based on the “Year B” lectionary readings ‘The Australian Lectionary’ 

Study One: Creator of Life 
Study Two: Promiser of Life
Study Three: Sustainer of Life 
Study Four: Rescuer of Life
Study Five: Renewer of Life
Study Six (Holy week) ‘Ruler of Life’ is published on the web site. 
May these Lenten studies be to you a life-changing event through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Written By Bishop John Harrower

available from:

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