Monday, November 03, 2014

Lutheran Deaconess Association

The Lutheran Deaconess Association prepares and supports women and men for ministries of service and advances the church's service mission.  They also encourage and support all Christians' service and provide resources for you.  
The Lutheran Deaconess Association has consecrated over 760 deaconesses since 1919. They have served throughout the world in roles such as parish staff, missionaries, social workers, lawyers, nurses, teachers, administrators, and more!  Today, the Lutheran Deaconess Association educates women and men for wide-reaching ministries both in the church and in the community.
God calls every Christian to service or, in Greek, diakonia.  As Jesus took a towel and washed the feet of His disciples, God calls each of us to share His love by serving others. The towel and basin are symbols of this service.

Their web page includes:
Information about Diaconal Ministry
Diaconal Formation including exploring your ministry
plus more

Visit for more information

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