Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Advent Devotions: Life on the Jesse Tree

Life on the Jesse Tree is a Series of Advent Devotions from the Royal Redeemer Worshipping Community
The tradition of the Jesse Tree dates back to the Middle Ages. The Church of that day began to explore the lineage of Christ and the family tree listed in Matthew 1 and Luke 3. As they explored the stories of those in this family line, they saw that each and every one of them ultimately pointed to the coming of this baby born in a manger in Bethlehem.
Life on the Jesse Tree is a series of 25 daily devotionals written by the staff of Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church and School along with key Bible references.
To download a copy of these Advent Devotions visit:  http://royred.net/files/8813/8800/2176/JesseTreeDevotions_complete.pdf

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