Monday, October 27, 2014

Web Series: Leaving Eden

Leaning Eden is a web series about:
A pastor’s life is too much to carry alone.
Ben Nicholson faces the strains of an extraordinary job – life, death, heaven, hell. Divorce, sickness pain. Just a day in the life of a Lutheran pastor. His wife wishes for more. The new recruit thinks he can do it better.
Leaving Eden looks at the struggles of a pastor as he and his family deal with the incredible demands of his job.  On the verge of losing sight of what once pulled him to this calling, he struggles with balance between a calling, a job, and life.

What others are saying:
"As a Lutheran pastor's wife of 32 years I really appreciate this series. " - Vicki

"The series clearly reflects an insider's view of the real-world life of the pastor's family, as well as a behind-the-scenes view of the good, bad, and ugly in parochial life, including a new convert, a teacher in what seems to be the parochial school, members of the church council, the church secretary, and of course, the vicar. " -­m

Leaving Eden episodes can be viewed here

Visit Leaving Eden home page

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