Monday, October 13, 2014

Article: “A Bishop’s House Church–Luther’s Thoughts”

“A Bishop’s House Church–Luther’s Thoughts” - Some Mission Truths Regarding Missional Communities by James D Buckman
James Buckman explores the following mission truths:

  • The Church must also happen beyond the walls of our church buildings.
  • When we offer something as church that is not Church; we are not being the Church.
  • We must be on guard against Absalom’s spirit.
  • We must look for Sons of Peace (Luke 10) in establishing the Church.
  • Church must occur decently and in good order.
  • There Continues To Be Room for a Certain Degree of Freedom in Church.
  • New Worshiping Communities Collect Needed Funds.

This article comes from the Lutheran Society for Missioology

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