Tuesday, June 24, 2014


LIBERATE is a new group of people committed to the message as defined by Jesus’ mission: “I have come to set the captives free” (Luke 4:18).
Through the demand of his law, God confronts and condemns people in their bondage and sin; through the declaration of his gospel, God comforts and forgives people with the liberating love of Jesus Christ. We want sufferers to hear these “two words” (law and gospel) so they can believe the promise that frees us from our past of guilt and shame; frees us from the present bondage of bitterness, insecurity, self-reliance, and fear; and frees us for the joy of worshiping God and serving our neighbor.
Our mission is to announce (and then announce again and again) this liberating word to a wounded and worn out world, hoping that the burdened and burnt out, the Christian and the non-Christian, will hear and rest in the freedom that Jesus came, died, and lives to give.

It was founded by Tullian Tchividjian, pastor of  is the senior pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, a Lecturer of Pastoral Theology at Knox Theological Seminary, a contributing editor to Leadership Journal, and the grandson of Evangelist Billy Graham.  

They host an annual conference and offer resources including:
Church Directory
Pastor's Network
Suggested reading list
Ministry resources

For more information go to www.liberate.org 

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