Monday, May 26, 2014

Pastor coaching - coachnet

Many pastors are benefiting by engaging with a coach.

One organisation that provides coaching for pastors is coachnet..

How does the coaching relationship work?
A coaching relationship--especially a first coaching experience--is different than any other relationship.   Both coach and person being coached--what we at CoachNet call the leader--pour themselves into the relationship, but all the energy and results generated in the coaching relationship are focused on the goals chosen by the person being coached.
The coach is committed to listening first, and strives to ask powerful questions.  All for the benefit of the leader.  The other person.  Coaching is truly a generous's a chance to give to the other person without any regard to what the coach gets back in return.  Think about it, a relationship where someone's goal is to make things better for the OTHER person.

For pastors
You’re a pastor.  You’ve got a full plate.  You’re charged with guiding each individual member’s spiritual development, setting a vision for the congregation’s direction, and running the day-to-day operation of the church.  On top of this, you have to build and sustain healthy relationships with the members of the church in order to be effective.
Plus, this isn’t just any job.  Being a pastor is a calling of the highest order.
Think about this.  Ministry is not just something that you decide to take up.  Your discipleship journey gave you no option…serving God’s people in an existing church, a church plant or other ministry setting was something God picked out for you.  And it’s hard. VERY hard.
The hours are long.  Even the most focused congregation can wander off mission from time to time.  Relationships can go well one minute and poorly the next.  You need someone to come alongside of you to listen, ask good questions, and to help you figure out what comes next.  You need a coach.

For more information

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