Monday, April 28, 2014

North American Association for the Catechumenate

The North American Association for the Catechumenate seeks to promote and nurture the catechumenal process in order that the whole faith community might fulfill Christ's commission to make disciples, baptizing and teaching all peoples.  

Its web site offers:

  • Articles
  • Bible Studies
  • Catechumenate with Children and Youth
  • Congregation to Catechumenal Community
  • Faith and Font
  • History and Theology
  • Lectionary and Preaching
  • Newsletters
  • Information about similar Organizations
  • Post Baptism: Mystagogy and Vocation
  • Practical Help
  • Presentations at Annual Gatherings
  • Training: Designs, Implementation, Previous Training Events
  • Video Resources
  • Workshop Presentations
  • Worship Resources
  • An open forum to encourage interaction between those leading the catechumatal process.
  • Information on their annual event

Visit the North American Association for the Catechumenate 

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