Friday, February 21, 2014

Lent including Ash Wednesday Resources

Following are some resources relating to Lent that may help you in your planning and Lenten observance

LENT videos
A video to explain Lent

Another video explaining Lent

Lent Reflection

A reflective video for Lent

SKIT GUYS Lent videos are available here

Lutheran Church of Australia – Ash Wednesday Service

Children, Youth and Family Ministry Lent resource from Grow Ministries - GIFT

Offers links to general resources, lent planning, reconciliation resources, art and resources, devotionals and  articles

Ministry Matters

Faithful Lutheran Resources from Cyberbrethran

Lenten Resources from Solapublishing

The Worship Well
Links to a variety of Lent and Holy Week resources

Lutheran Hour Ministries – Lent devotion,  My God, My God why have you forsaken me?
can be personalised for congregational distribution

North Eastern Iowa Synod (ELCA) – Lent ideas
includes resources for home, church, school, Lenten fair, dramas plus many other creative ideas

Lenten series and devotionals – more than Gold

ELCA – world hunger Lenten pack

Emmaus Lutheran Church – Alberta
Resources that include Lenten and Easter Devotions, explanation of Lent, radio episodes relating to Lent, papers, articles, Youth resources

Concordia Publishing House

Augsburg Fortress

Lenten Series suggestions
The Jesus Questions

Nine essential questions about life and faith

Peace Lutheran Church, Great Falls Montana
"You Know Best" Ash Wednesday --
 Pastor Schlund's sermon from Ash Wednesday (3/9/2011) based on the text from Luke 22:1-6
"You Have to be A Rock" –
Pastor Schlund's sermon from the 2nd Wednesday in Lent based on the text from Matthew 26:40-41
"Sit Back and Wait" --
Pastor Schlund's sermon from the 3rd Wednesday in Lent based on the text from Matthew 26:57-58
"A Little is Ok" --
Pastor Schlund's sermon from the 4th Wednesday of Lent based on the text from Matthew 26:69-75
"Church Leaders Are Always Right" --
Pastor Schlund's sermon from the Lenten Lies series based on the text from John 18:28
"Entertainment Is Always Good" --
Pastor Schlund's sermon in the Lenten Lies series based on the text from Luke 23:4-9
"Only Bread and Wine" -- Maundy Thursday --
Pastor Schlund's sermon from Maundy Thursday based on the text from Matthew 26:26-28
"Death is Always Bad" -- Good Friday --
Pastor Schlund's sermon from Good Friday based on the text from John 19:30

From United Methodist Church – Preach a topical series….
On the first Sunday in Lent, preach about the freedom and power God gives God's people to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves.
On the second Sunday in Lent, explore what it means to confess Jesus Christ as your Savior.
 On the third Sunday in Lent, talk about the responsibility of others -- parents, sponsors, mentors, and church members -- to take seriously their role in the covenant and the continuing need to reaffirm their own baptismal covenant.
On the fourth Sunday in Lent, discuss the Apostles' Creed and its historical and theological role in our baptismal faith.
On the fifth Sunday in Lent, consider the welcome that states "Through baptism you are incorporated by the Holy Spirit into God's new creation and made to share in Christ's royal priesthood. We are all one in Christ Jesus."

How does reflecting upon our baptismal covenant during the season of Lent help to prepare us for the Easter proclamation? How are we transformed by the journey?

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