Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Book and Lent resource - Psalms and Prayers of the Better Covenant

Psalms and Prayers of the Better Covenant is a resource to accompany daily devotions for the Transfiguration / Lent / Easter period. (In 2014 the celebration of the Transfiguration of Jesus is Sunday March 2.) 

Priced at $10 plus postage, the book is available from either Pastor Fred himself, or from Australian Church Resources
If you order through Pastor Fred you can pay by direct debit (F H VEERHUIS BSB 062-797 A/N 2800 9607)

“I heartily recommend you purchase Pastor Fred Veerhuis’s latest booklet called Psalms and Prayers of the Better Covenant. It is an excellent worship resource for all year, but especially for Transfiguration, Lent and Easter. About a year ago, when Fred invited me to critically review and comment on the first draft, this is how I replied to him:
Fred, I want to thank you for asking me to look over your psalms and prayers. It has been a blessed exercise for me. These psalms embrace me in prayer and praise, confession and absolution, pain and joy, humility and hope. They communicate simultaneously with my head and my heart. And when I have shared them with my wife, daughter and son-in-law, they were touched in the same way. All your Biblical knowledge, all your theological insight, all your pastoral concern, all your anguish and dark nights of the soul have found fulfilment in these expressions of worship which are a gift to Christians across the spectrum.
A year later I endorse what I wrote, and I’m confident that most readers will do the same.”
Pastor Brian Schwarz

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