Tuesday, November 12, 2013

World Mission Prayer League -

The World Mission Prayer League is a Lutheran community committed to know Christ, pray for the advance of His kingdom, share the gospel and ourselves with those who do not know Him, and encourage Christians everywhere in this global task. Prayer is our working method.

We embrace a rich heritage that flows from the passionate witness of Christians faithful to the call of Jesus.  Our ministry realizes the vision of Ernest Weinhardt to bring the Good News into the heart of Africa, Asia, and Latin America.  The World Mission Prayer League consists of some 6,000 committed and praying members.  WMPL has over 100 missionaries in 20+ countries.

“We must have it as our aim to bring the gospel to the very last man. Wherever there are people who have not heard the gospel, to them we must go, no matter how few in number they may be.” – Ernest Weinhardt, WMPL Founder

Their church partners include:

  • Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya
  • Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania
  • North Western Gossner Evangelical Lutheran Church
  • Northern Evangelical Lutheran Church
  • Bangladesh Northern Evangelical Lutheran Church
  • Iglesia Evangelica De Confesión Luterana Del Ecuador
  • Iglesia Evangélica Luterana en Chile
  • Iglesia Evangélica Luterana Boliviana
  • Association of Free Lutheran Congregations
  • Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  • Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
  • Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ
  • Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod
  • North American Lutheran Church
Visit their site to discover how they have been working for over 75 years, how you can serve and partner with them

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