Friday, September 20, 2013

Video: Gary Ablett jnr interview on the Footy Show being question about His faith

Gary Ablett jnr is considered one of the best footballers in the AFL.   
On a Thursday night football show which is usually not renowned for its respect Gary Ablett jnr was given the opportunity to talk about His faith in God and how God makes it possible for him to do what he does.....

Take a look at the video

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  1. Anonymous11:14 pm

    good on ya Ablett, unashamed of the gospel, takes a real Man to be honest about his faith. Thanks for showing how its done. Bless ya

  2. Anonymous4:47 pm

    The panellists look quite uncomfortable. Ablett seems quite gracious and mature; nice to see a positive presentation by/about a footballer in the media.

  3. Why would Gary pray before a game?, surely football needs to be played on its merits to be fair to both teams. Surely they are not hoping for a fortuitous puff of wind to take a ball through the goals or for the umpire to look after the holy rollers and what if there are Christians playing for the opposing team, seems a little unfair to ask God for his special favour when he has other pilgrims to consider

  4. There is probably a number of very good reasons why Gary prayed.....
    Not all prayer is about asking God for something....
    We can pray to ask God to help us do our best and to play fairly
    We can pray to thank God
    We can pray that we glorify God in all we do
    We can pray asking for forgiveness
    So it is good that Gary prayed and it is good that he publicly and gentley shares hsi reliance on and faith in God
