Monday, July 01, 2013

Jonah worship series.....

The story of Jonah is well known....and a closer look of Jonah will reveal much about God and ourselves

Matt Thiele from Immanuel Lutheran Church Buderim has developed and delivered a worship series on the book of Jonah for his congregation......
Week 1:  Jonah 1 part 1  ‘The Terrible Trap Of Becoming An Escape Artist’
Week 2:  Jonah 1 part 2  ‘Three Surprising Signs Of Avoidance’
Week 3:  Jonah 2 ‘How To Pray When It Gets Dark & Digestive’
Week 4:  Jonah 3:1-10  ‘The Hardest Thing To Do’
Week 5:  Jonah 4:1-11  ‘How To Deal With Worms & Other Unfair Things’
Week 6:  Jonah Final  ‘Jonah’s Incredible Connections To Jesus’

Along with sermon's Matt provides discussion sheets

Inspired by Matt's series Pastor Richard Schwedes of the Portland-Heywood Lutheran Church also lead his congregation through the book of sermons and a daily devotion aligned to the worship series available here for the sermons and here for the bulletins containing the devotions

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