Saturday, July 13, 2013

Discussion Starter: Evangelism involves spending time in prayer and relying on God

Evangelism involves spending time in prayer and relying on God
Prayer is often referred to as the engine room of the church.  It is therefore essential that we spend time in prayer before, during and after any work we do on God’s behalf, and this also applies when it comes to evangelism.  Evangelism is about bringing the message of God and His love to them into the lives of people so that God can affect their hearts and attitudes and people love and serve Him.  Take some time everyday to pray about those people who you intend to share God’s love with, have shared God’s love with and the next 24 hours to come that you will have many opportunities to share God’s love.

Talk about why prayer is important for evangelism
Discuss what you believe our responsibilities are and what are God's responsibilities when it comes to evangelism

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