Monday, July 22, 2013

Church to visit: Crosspoint Community Church

Crosspoint is a Lutheran sacramental church that understands it is ministering in a Post Christian world (if you want to know what this means visit here)

They have 2 locations Houston and Katy

This is their vision
We want to make everyday followers of Jesus who transform their communities.
Somewhere there is a guy who is planning on mowing his lawn on Sunday morning, or playing golf, or sleeping in. Our hope is that somehow God would use CrossPoint to get his attention and inspire him to get up next Sunday morning and take his family to church, to start following Jesus and be the change his family desperately needing. Everything about our worship services, sports ministries, serving opportunities, teaching, and reason for existing is geared toward creating occasions to get that guy's (or gal's) attention. From the youngest to the oldest, we want to see people rescued by Jesus Christ and help believers grow as disciples. We believe that no one should live life alone, that saved people serve people, that we can't outgive God, and that found people find people.

On their web you will discover:
Information for new comers
Steps you can take in being part of the Crosspoint Community Church
Ways to Give
Online Sermon videos
Leadership training
An online community resource called The City

Visit Crosspoint at

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