Monday, June 10, 2013

Discussion Starter: Evangelism Involves giving people hope

Throughout the history of Christianity there havr been Churches (that is bunches of Christians) generously helping people in need…
Sometimes this has been through organised efforts, like when a disaster happens. Other times this has been through one person reaching out to another to check they are ok, offering help and introducing them to others who can help them. There is good reason for Christians to offer help to those in need, it brings them hope…hope that life will be better…and when we offer help in such a way that introduces people to Jesus.... we are connecting them to hope that will last forever…check out Matthew 5:16...
What ways can we offer hope to people so that they connect to Jesus?

1 comment:

  1. There are 101 ways to help other people especially those who have broken spirit. You can help them by sharing free evangelism books.

    By:Books for Evangelism
