Monday, June 10, 2013

Commentaries: Fortress Biblical Preaching Commentaries

The hallmark of Fortress Biblical Preaching Commentaries is to help preachers deal with the tension between the biblical texts themselves and as they are received in the lectionary. They provide an overall reading strategy to the biblical book itself, and then delve into the lectionary selections to help lectionary preachers stay true to the message of each writer as they are presented through the liturgical year. Additional materials consider texts that appear "out of season" or that do not appear in the lectionary at all. Ancillary materials will provide study helps, preaching ideas and suggestions for preaching through the biblical book, and other information that may be helpful to the preacher, including bibliographies.
Fortress Biblical Preaching Commentaries is written by scholars who have established a reputation for bridging Bible and pulpit, who are sensitive to the exigencies of lectionary preaching, and who write for a more general pastoral audience. With their focus on the biblical books themselves and working with the realities of the lectionary, these volumes are useful in tandem with more extensive commentaries as well as with seasonal lectionary materials. Fortress Biblical Preaching Commentaries will be essential for working preachers and seminary courses in Bible and preaching.
Volumes in the series include Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts of the Apostles, and a volume on the Pauline Epistles.

Order direct from Augsburg Fortress Publishing at  there is a discount if you subscribe for the entire series

or buy from Amazon

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