Monday, June 24, 2013

Christians in science and Technology

The Institute of Christians in Science and Technology provides a range of resources to help people who are living in both the field of science and Christianity.  
The Institute for the Study of Christianity in an Age of Science and Technology (ISCAST) is an Australian organisation dedicated to exploring the interface between science and the Christian faith. Its membership consists of scientists, theologians and professionals with standing in their own fields and a commitment to the Christian faith. 
The rapid development of science has left many either to follow blindly where science is taking them or to crawl into a fundamentalist mindset. We argue there is a third way: a dynamic dialogue, critically reviewing both science and religion, allowing each to influence our understanding of the other. 
Resources include:

  • News page
  • Upcoming events
  • Online journal - Christian perspectives on science and technology
  • A monthly digest
  • Interactive forums
  • Online Books store
  • ISCAST Presentations
  • ISCAST Past Papers
  • ISCAST Intensives
  • Conference on Science and Christianity (COSAC)
  • Multimedia Links
  • Audio Links
  • Article Links
  • Dialogue and Debate
  • Links

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