Saturday, April 13, 2013

Bible Study: Pew Sisters

Pew Sisters
Women's Bible study based on real women in the church today....

This 12-session Bible study for women “goes and tells what God has done” in the lives of real women in the church today. From alcoholism to postpartum depression to cancer, twelve different women generously share the story of God’s faithfulness in their lives for the consolation of their sisters in Christ.
Each session begins with a scripture reading followed by a narrative of an individual woman’s real-life story. Eight study questions, designed for both personal and group study, help the reader apply the reading and narrative to her own life in Christ. A meditative hymn stanza and collect complete each session.
The goal of this study is to encourage and build up the faith of our Christian sisters. Every woman sitting in the pew has a story to share of God’s faithfulness in her life, and women love nothing more than to hear a good story and to delight in the sisterhood of believers.

Suzanne Mcafee
"I found this book to be insightful, not only for my own daily needs, but to help support others who are also in need. I liked the set up of the lessons, and enjoyed the hymns that went along with each chapter. I can find many ways to use this material now, in my daily life for me and for others I care for. Each subject is a quick read, with lots of knowledge to be obtained, all followed up with Scripture verses and where to find them in the Bible. I would recommend this book to my other Sisters in Christ, not only for their daily lives but to support our other sisters in the body."

Amazon Customer

Pew Sisters, by Katie Schuermann, is a 12 week Bible Study. Small Groups and individuals both, will be enlightened by these teachings. Each week starts out with a Bible verse, followed by a short story, a hymn to medicate on, a prayer to accompany that weeks teaching, before some insightful questions, ending with a summery of the story including the rationales for the questions. Each lesson is based on a difficult situation women can deal with in their life.
Have you suffered from someone else's sins, brought into your life, angry and unforgiving? "Forgiveness is not a feeling, it is a gift that is given to you regardless of how you feel." Praying for guidance and emotions needed to forgive, is just one of the learned lessons in this study guide. Pray and then "tell satin to go to hell", I love that line! Other subjects covered are depression, grieving, anxiety, sickness, low self esteem, loss of talent, worry, children are God's gifts, and not judging others. There are other lessons within a lesson also that can be obtained it you spend the time to really study with this book. You will find the answers to the questions to each chapter in the back of the book, not answered from the author but by the authors Preacher Pastor McGuire. Not only does each lesson relate to one's life but it also shows how to give comfort to our "Pew Sisters", our sisters in Christ, who struggle and need our shoulders to lean on.
I found this book to be insightful, not only for my own daily needs, but to help support others who are also in need. I liked the set up of the lessons, and enjoyed the hymns that went along with each chapter. I can find many ways to use this material now, in my daily life for me and for others I care for. Each subject is a quick read, with lots of knowledge to be obtained, all followed up with scriptures and where to find them in the Bible. I would recommend this book to my other Sisters in Christ, not only for their daily lives but to support our other sisters in the body.

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