Monday, February 11, 2013

Which bible translation? NIV11, NIV84, ESV, NRSV or Holman

In 2011 Biblica and Zondervan released an updated version of the NIV known as NIV11....and indicated it will no longer be printing further copies of NIV84 (which most of us know as NIV) or TNIV the gender neutral TNIV.

Now many Lutheran churches have used the NIV translation as its main text for public readings and study, others have used the gender inclusive NRSV.   In recent years some Lutheran pastors have adopted the ESV, some simply because they don't like a gender inclusive translation.   So how do we make a decision regarding which translation to use in your congregation?

Fortunately Lutherans are not the only ones dealing with this issue....Sandy Grant discusses this issue in the article:
After the NIV, then what?   by Sandy Grant

Also recommended from a reader is the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod's reviews of various bible translations in relation to NIV11 found here